Broad Spectrum CBD (Cannabidiol) Distillate Concentrate (0.0% THC)

Prepackaged 1 Gram - 10 Grams

With Cannabiva™ Broad Spectrum CBD Distillate concentrate you can experience the CBD “entourage effect” without the THC levels found in full spectrum distillate concentrate.

Containing a rich spectrum of phyto-nutrients and cannabinoids that include CBD, CBG, CBN, and CBC, and natural Terpenes known to have a positive effect on overall health and wellness, this broad spectrum¹ concentrate can be added directly into vapes and e-liquids, as well as ingestible oils, and skin and body care products.

Extracted from high-content CBD Industrialized hemp, this concentrate meets Federal guidelines and contains undetectable levels of THC (0.0%).

This item can be purchased in wholesale quantities with the Cannabiva™ brand name or white label.

MSRP: $39.95 (1g), $159.95 (5g), $279.95 (10g)
Strain: Organically Grown Industrial Hemp, High-content CBD
Concentration: Approximately 89% CBD
Extract Class: Broad Spectrum
Flavor: Mild Natural Hemp¹ Contains undetectable amounts of THC (0.0% THC by volume).🇺🇸 This item can be shipped to all 50 U.S. States
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